Overview :
QTP (QuickTest Professional) software provides functional and regression test automation for software applications and environments. It was initially developed by Mercury Interactive and then acquired by HP (Hewlett-Packward). QuickTest is a graphical interface record-playback automation tool.
Training Objectives of QTP :
The Main objective of the QTP (Quickest Professional) is to make a testing professional aware of automation testing concept with QTP tool. It is an UI automation framework designed mainly for Windows and Web-based applications. One of the most important topics in QTP is the Object Identification, Object Repository, Parameterization, Descriptive Programming, etc.
Target Students / Prerequisites :
The Target Students for the Course is Test Managers, Manual Testers and Developers who want to switch to Testing, Newbie Automation Testers and Fresher’s with IT Background. Our Comprehensive training provides you technical and practical experience required to succeed in the Work Place.