LDAP and Directory Services Course Content

Overview :

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is one of the application protocol used for accessing and re emerging as the standard for managing resources and objects used within and in some cases between organizations and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network.

Training Objectives of LDAP :

The Main Objectives of LDAP is to review the theory and organization of the LDAP hierarchy or Object Tree Structure covering the Data Information Tree (DIT), object Classes and attributes, schemas and LDIF files. The Complete overview of the LDAP API is provided to allow us to understanding of alternative implementations and uses of LDAP. Platform Independent browser of LDAP is used to examine both Application and Windows Active Directory LDAP Implementation.

Target Students / Prerequisites :

Prerequisites for the Students need to be familiar with basic knowledge on LDAP technology and ideally should have taken the BASIC LDAP course. This Course is Specially Designed for LDAP designers, architects and implementers, Network and System administrators.

Unit 1: Introduction to LDAP, X500, DAP

Unit 2: DIT, Object Classes, Attributes

Unit 3: LDAP vs RDBMS

Unit 4: Installing and Configuration

Unit 5: Starting and Stopping LDAP

Unit 6: Administration

Unit 7: Schema,Object Classes and Attributes

Unit 8: Directory Information Tree

Unit 9: Add,Modify and Delete operations

Unit 10: Schema Checking,Logging and Log-File rotation

Unit 11: Password Encryption types

Unit 12: SSL,keystore and trust store

Unit 13: Access Control List

Unit 14: Groups

Unit 15: Protecting the Directory,Limiting the search and Delegated Administration

Unit 16: Performance Tuning

Unit 17: Configuration files and Log file location

Unit 18: LDIF,Backup process

Unit 19: Replication Topologies,Multi-Master,Master/Slave etc

Unit 20: JNDI and Sample LDAP search filters

Unit 21: Creating the context,bind,Add/Modify/Delete Operations,Unbind,Closing the Context

Unit 22: Real time Scenarios,Architecture Design,User Base and Hardware selection

Courses Duration : 3-4 weeks